Friday, December 3, 2010

Adalynn's First Birthday

Almost two weeks ago we celebrated Matt's niece Adalynn's first birthday. She looked super cute in her pink tutu and seemed excited about all of her great presents! She is really mastering walking now so we enjoy seeing how much better she is at it every time we see her! She didn't get too crazy about her own personal Elmo cake and instead chowed down on the frosting only. She had an Elmo themed birthday party because he is her favorite character right now, she calls him "Mo". The last picture is of Sarah, Matt's sister (and Addy's mom).
Happy first Birthday Adalynn!!!!!!

Puppy Update

Hey Everyone! I thought that it was about time to share some more pictures of our "kids". Koda is almost 16 weeks old now and weighs more than 20 pounds. He is now taller and longer than Maya and we can tell that she is not liking that! Maya weighs around 25 pounds so he will soon outweigh her too. It's hard to believe that my little puppy who I used to carry around in one hand, and who couldn't even climb up our back steps is now too big for my lap, almost too heavy to carry, and able to jump over babygates! He still likes to "mouth" alot but otherwise he is a very good boy. The first photo below is taken by Urban Village Photography as a part of our family photos in early November.
The next photos are ones taken in the last week or so. You can see Koda's growth just from the first photo to the others! Besides playing and being rambunctious together Maya and Koda also like to sleep together on the loveseat, so we couldn't resist snapping a few photos of that.